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Esential'arôms is a company dedicated to the field of scientific aromatherapy and natural phyto-aromatherapy cosmetics for more than 20 years.
It is born of the concern and passion for aromatic plants, which offer us their pleasant and valuable aromatic compounds, and a deep respect for nature. We base ourselves on the study and the deepening in the properties of the aromatic plants and their essential oils, opening us to this wonderful world that constitutes the aromatherapy and the natural cosmetics that are made with it. always keeping as objective the -no alter what nature offers us-.
Respect for this principle allows us to offer our customers essential oils, cosmetics and 100% natural aromatherapy products, with the highest quality standard in aromatherapy and phyto-aromatherapy cosmetic.
The choice and selection of raw materials in their original state, which have not undergone transformations, changes, or adulterations allows us to innovate and develop unique, eco-responsible products within a quality concept for a client that seeks to be in harmony with nature, within a holistic concept, where health goes hand in hand with beauty and well-being.
ESENTIAL'ARÔMS was created to provide health and beauty form a cosmetic perspective. With the source of scientific aromatherapy we created different lines of products to cover the needs with the highest quality and ethical standards. All our cosmetics are natural, earth-friendly, cruelty-free, and our laboratory is ECOCERT certified.
More than 60 people are part of our family.
Innovation and Efficacy
This is the essential premise to be in the cutting-edge of the market, offering innovative, effective and natural solutions for our most demanding customers.
How we do it?
We use synergies between the natural world and product formulation


Raw material

What makes us different?
We are earth friendly, cruelty-free, effective and 100% natural cosmetic company
More than 20 years detecting needs related to health and providing solutions based on natural remedies, including apitherapy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, gemmotherapy and oligotherapy.
Advising how to lead a healthy lifestyle, healthy by nature, teaching how to start a natural life, what steps to follow and how to stay in it. Publicizing and disseminating the latest scientific advances in the field of natural active ingredients, which can help us prevent and maintain optimal health

Holistic aspect
All our supplements and advice are focused on promoting health globally, that is, they include aspects of physical, psychological and emotional health of the human being.
Adaptative Product
We adapt to the needs of our world, of our planet. A dynamic R+D+I department always thinking in how to help more and better.